Tuesday, August 4, 2009


Now this is a topic that needs to be addressed on the daily until something is really done about it. Top MLB players have gone years by cheating the system and boosting their stats along with their bank accounts. There has always been the Motto " If you ain't cheating you ain't trying" well i guess these players were trying the hardest out of all of them. Now we all know that cheating is wrong and that the MLB has stepped up and tried to put stricter policies in place to cut down on this. The rest of the report of the 103 or 104 players names that where on the report from back in 2003 needs to come out so we can all know about it talk about it a few weeks and get it out of the way. Baseball is doing its self a Disservice by letting the names get leaked slowly and tainting the game and overshadowing the game as a whole. Granted that I'm not the biggest advocate of baseball as a real "athletic sport" vs. basketball, football, hockey, and even soccer but that's for another time. Players need to start stepping up and speaking out for their sport before the sport becomes more of a laughing stock than it already is because the term Americans game is just a joke at this time. it should be called the cheaters game any sport were men can play into their early and late 40s and still perform and these high levels should be taken under some serious investigation.
Steroids and records for the players that used the drugs should be taken out from the record book or left in as "Cheaters" with asterisk marks. It is a insult to the clean players and former players to have to put up their umbrella for fear of the cloud of this era to rain on them and take them along in the downpour.
Now these people so called " baseball purest and think that this is the greatest sport ever invented or the greatest thing ever invented since slice bread need to get out of the clouds and realize that people will always try to get an advantage in the sport by any means and will try to as long as they know they will not be caught. Example before the steroids talks there was corked bats, pitches putting stuff on the ball to make it curve or spin a certain way and the list goes on. Face it baseball purest the sport has so many black eyes in its long history its like a train wreck head on. For the people that don't want these so called Users in the hall of fame because they used the enhancers they have to take into account many things. 1. how long the person was taking them? 2. when did the person stop taking them in their career? 3. Without the use of them would this person have been able to break said record in the first place? 4. If not what would the actually tallies of their stats be? 5. Would that have been enough to make the hall of fame?
Face it Baseball its the 12Th round of the fight and your behind in the scorecards by 4 rounds and getting beat into the corner go ahead throw in the towel.

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