Wednesday, August 5, 2009

The Recession And Helpful Tips To Save

The last few years have seen many changes for people in all classes of society due to the current economic recession that we are in. It has effected everyone differently many famous celebrities probably have been reduced to stop buying Fiji Water and started buying regular old bottle water from the store. But even small cut backs like this will not help the economy in the long run. Even Diddy says he has parked the G 5 jet and started flying commercial again. Just think about that your on your flight from NY and get into first class seat and guess who you see beside you that's right Puffy Combs himself sitting there having a drink of Ciroc Vodka. The point is that with the recession everybody has made changes to their lifestyle and here are some main ways you can change and save money during these hard times.

1. Start off by going grocery shopping instead of dining out all the time just because its there. Now yes just because Pizza Hut or Burger King is up the street from your house and they have those special $5 pizzas or $1 burgers that will start to add up on your wallet by the time the month ends.

2. Keep a tally of what you spend and on what. By doing this you set yourself up to be more aware of how much money you actually spend during a given amount of time. People will be surprised at the end of the month when they look down at the paper and see that they spend $150 this month on eating out and extra gas to get there.

3. Don't be an impulse shopper. When going out shopping have a pre-planned list with a set spending budget on it for the main items that you will need. Then on the other side of the list have a MAYBE column so that way if you have money left over from your budget you can get the things on this list, but if you don't then it will not really be a lose in the end.

4. FREE STUFF IS THE BEST STUFF. That is pretty much speaks for itself.

5. Think of cheaper alternatives to your favorite things that you like to do. If you like going to the movies. Try renting a few movies instead you will fine this more comfy in being at home and at the same time able to view more movies for the same prices rather than paying to go to the movies. You like to have pizza out twice a week go to the store and get the ingredients that you need and make your own pizza at home.

6. Plan ahead. When concerts or events come into your town think ahead far enough in advance so that you have that budgeted and planned out so that if you get the concert tickets at the beginning of the month then you will not be stuck the rest of the month eating nothing but noodles and drinking water.

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